Westvale Elementary is a Title 1 School. The Title 1 program provides supplemental educational services so that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Title 1 schools are determined based on the income level in the area. Westvale Elementary is considered a Schoolwide Title 1 program. This means that ALL students are considered Title 1 students. The schoolwide plan is intended to improve the achievement of ALL students. The Title 1 program is to supplement instruction and not replace it. Therefore, services and resources provided by Title 1 are in addition to other offerings and not in place of them.
If, at any time, you have questions or feedback regarding Westvale's Title 1 program, please contact the principal, Brenda Anderson at 801-565-7510 or brenda.anderson@jordandistrict.org.
JSD Title 1 Services
Title 1 CSIP Executive Summary