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Code of Conduct

Serious Infractions

Students: If you see unsafe behavior, report it to an adult immediately.

The following actions are considered serious. Please avoid these activities: Vandalism, fighting, defiant/disrespect to an adult, swearing, stealing, severe classroom disruption, bullying, pantsing, throwing rocks/sticks/ice/snowballs, and possession of anything dangerous.

Dangerous or Disruptive Conduct

Students: DO NOT bring any type of knife or gun to school, even toy knives or guns. If you see a dangerous object, DO NOT touch it. Report it IMMEDIATELY to an adult.

Utah State Law states the possessing (regardless of intent), using selling or attempting to possess, use or sell any firearm, weapon, knife, explosive device, noxious or flammable material, firework, chemical weapon, martial arts weapon or other instrument including those which eject a projectile or any facsimile of any of the above could result in suspension for up to 180 school days.

Harmful Substances/Materials

Students: DO NOT bring any type of medication to school. Have your parents bring it to the office with a doctor's note, for the office to administer.

Students shall not possess, use or distribute any over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, illegal substances or alcohol as defined by Utah Code on school grounds or traveling to or from school. Student sanctions will follow guidelines in District Policy AS90.


Harassment/Bullying Policy

Bullying and harassment are not tolerated at Westvale Elementary. Bullying is when a person or group of people repeatedly seeks to belittle, scare, hurt, put down, tease, threaten, harm, or intimidate another person.

(see complete Policy as098)

Bullying and harassment can be:

  • Verbal: The bully aggressively teases or calls names.
  • Physical: The bully physically hits, shoves, punches, pokes, bumps, corners, or harms you.
  • Visual: (leering, showing embarrassing material),
  • Emotional: The bully uses gestures, notes, rumors, gossip, etc. against someone. The bully may also exclude you or use your relationships with friends as a weapon.
  • Cyber: The bully uses emails, text messages, Facebook, Twitter, other social networking websites, or other electronic devices to hurt someone.

Students Responsibility:

What should you do if you are getting bullied? Try the following:

  1. Tell the bully to "STOP". Look the bully in the eye without emotion or fear and command him or her to stop.
  2. If the bully continues to bother you, WALK AWAY.
  3. If that doesn’t work, TELL AN ADULT (Teacher, Administrator, Counselor, Parent or an adult you trust). If you do not tell, nobody will know and you will continue to suffer at the hands of the bully.

Teacher/Administration Responsibility:

  1. Investigate
  2. Inform the parents/guardians
  3. Provide consequences as necessary

All reports of bullying are confidential and handled carefully. Remember: Everyone has a right to come to school and feel safe! If you are bullying others, stop. Parents will be notified when bullying is taking place.

For those students who choose this behavior, consequences may include: (depending on the severity)

  • Mandatory parent/guardian conference
  • Loss of recess or activity
  • Lunch Detention
  • In School Suspension (ISS)
  • Suspension from school.

Toys and Gadgets

Students: Leave toys at home.

Leave your toys and gadgets at home, unless it is a special day and the teacher gives you permission to bring them. The school does not assume responsibility for lost or stolen items. 

Recess Rules

Students: Recess rules are meant to keep you safe! Be a good sport: everyone plays who wants to; no games can be locked.

Students must have a pass to enter back into the building during recess.

Students will not eat candy, food or gum on the playground.

Students will leave personal playground equipment at home.

Students will play safely on all equipment and use proper game rules.

Students will stay away from puddles, mud, snow, ice and water.

Students will follow any directions.

Bus Guidelines

Students: Follow all bus safety rules and enjoy the ride and friendships.

Jordan School District Transportation Department works hard to provide the best situation possible for every student who is eligible to ride the bus. According to District Policy DA170, student and passenger safety is of utmost concern. When the bus is traveling, students shall remain seated at all times. Students shall not extend arms or head outside the bus at any time. Students shall not throw objects from the bus. No illegal substances, hazardous material, weapons or facsimile of weapons, nuisance items or animal shall be brought on the bus. If bus rules are violated repeatedly parent conferences will be held to help solve the problem. Riding the bus is a privilege that can be revoked.


Students: Please walk your rides.

Bicycles, skateboards and scooters are wonderful modes of transportation. For safety reasons students/parents should not ride bikes, scooters or skateboards on school property. If a student rides one of these items on school property, he or she will be given a warning. After the warning, if the student continues to ride on any of these items on school property, the item will be taken to the office and the parent will be asked to pick it up. The school cannot assume responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged bikes, scooters, or skateboards. Please be sure to lock your ride securely.

Phones/Cell Phones

Students: Do not use cell phones during school hours (even texting)!

We have a limited number of phone lines. Students should only use the phones for emergencies. Please make prior arrangements with your child for inclement weather. We try not to interrupt classrooms during the day so if you need to call a teacher, you are welcome to leave a message and they will return your call when they are available.

We understand that cell phones are a wonderful way for parents and students to communicate. Policy established by the Jordan School District states: Possession of a cellular telephone by a student is a privilege that may be forfeited for any student who uses his or her cell phone inappropriately. A student who possesses a cell phone shall assume responsibility for its care. At no time shall the District be responsible for preventing theft, loss or damage to cell phones. Any cell phone use during school time is prohibited. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by school administration on a case-by-case basis to accommodate family emergencies or medical necessities.